Produktion aus einer Hand – Ihr Vorteil:<br />
Die reduzierte Lieferkette bewirkt Zeitersparnis, Kostenersparnis, garantierte Lieferfähigkeit auch in Krisenzeiten, dokumentierte Lieferqualität sowie eine positive CO2 Bilanz.

A look back

Company > History

“Young” company with a long tradition GmbH was founded by Frank Verscaj in 2009, but its starting point goes much further back. His father, Thomas Verscaj, founded the company as early as 1974, focussing on metalworking in mechanical engineering, prototypes and fixture construction.

Frank Verscaj took over responsibility for the company very early and accelerated the manufacturing of plastic components and the production of complex modules. What started small, quickly became a great success so that in 2009 Frank Verscaj founded GmbH with the core competences of producing plastic components, creating module assemblies and producing aluminium parts for the automotive industry.

The capacities in Ludwigsburg quickly became too small and it was decided to invest in a new building for the company in Asperg. In 2015, the company moved into its new home. This also rapidly became too cramped and an extension was begun in 2020, which was successfully occupied in 2022.
