Your expert partner for metal and plastic components – focussing on component assembly
VS.tech GmbH is a successful, innovative, medium-sized metal and plastic processing service business that focuses on producing plastic components, creating module assemblies and producing aluminium parts for all branches of industry.
Qualified employees, investments in the latest technologies and state-of-the-art machinery guarantee the uncompromising standard of our services.
Flexibility is our strength – the dynamic structure of our production facilities and continuously optimising the strategy enable us to react to changes quickly and provide our customers with a decisive lead on the market.
In order to remain competitive and agile in a world that is changing ever more quickly, we meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 and optimise all operating processes as efficiently as possible.
This includes the seamless integration across technologies of processes and systems to network production, services and logistics with each other, as well as with staff and resources planning.
We take on small, medium and large batch production for our customers from sectors such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, robotics and the automotive industry, particularly luxury sports cars.

Our core

CNC machining
Turned and milled parts production as components (sample parts and prototypes for series orders) made of steel, stainless steel, plastics, NF metals and special materials
>> Find out more

Plastic components
We produce plastic components and modules in small, medium and large series as well as prototypes. >> Find out more

Module assembly
Assembling mechanical, electronic and pneumatic components, functional checks / leak tests, visual checks, series sizes 100 -100,000 pieces. >> Find out more

Measurement technology
Fully-automated measurement systems monitor series production processes as well as those in pre-series status. >> Find out more

Component cleaning
The perfect surface using injection flood cleaning.
>> Find out more

at VS.tech

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Vs.tech news
It’s done! We’ve moving into the new building!
The expansion of the production location in Asperg has optimised the processes between production, administration and logistics, resulting in optimal conditions for productivity and growth.